You’ve been waiting or dreading it for a long time, it has arrived.
What is MX Bikes Shop?
MX Bikes Shop is a marketplace that was created for a very good reason, no matter what you say. Over the past few years we have seen many different designers come and go. Offering content that is always more beautiful, more fun, more optimized. With the game becoming more professional and the arrival of official championships, this challenge of creating a track a week has once again raised the level of expectation from players.
All this work could no longer go uncompensated, so was born.
How it works?
GUID is the key. It’s your unique identifier in this game and any mod you purchase is locked to your GUID. This way, you can’t share it to anyone.
A Marketplace?
Yes, any creator who proves to have talent and has demonstrated it with previous quality releases can become a seller on MX Bikes Shop. Apparently, it will also soon be possible to offer visual creations such as skins.
What price?
Even if nothing is clear about it, Aerial has decided to offer its tracks at a price of $1.50. This is very reasonable when you know the huge amount of work it represents every week for people who do it on their free time.
Tomorrow, everything will be paid?
No. To answer a question that I am often asked, I will never propose a paid race system for example. People often compare MX Bikes to MX Simulator, but on Sim the people who make the tracks and charge for the championships are the same.
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