Warm welcome to MX Bikes Shop

You’ve been waiting or dreading it for a long time, it has arrived. What is MX Bikes Shop? MX Bikes Shop is a marketplace that was created for a very good reason, no matter what you say. Over the past few years we have seen many different designers come and go. Offering content that is
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Beta 15 is here and... SX series are coming !
Here it is, finally! We have a stable version of the multiplayer for Mx Bikes! MyMXB was hibernating, waiting for all those needed fixes to be done to start some awesome series and track building. We are preparing with Aerial an awesome championship series and adding some feature to MyMXB.com. Can’t wait, be ready !
Official Mx Bikes Series

Official Mx Bikes Series

Hell yeah, here we are riders ! The moderation team of MyMXB put some effort to provide you the best series in Mx Bikes based on the best tracks of the game and we’re still working on some new stuff. In order to test everything and as soon as the Beta 14 is released, we
mx bikes find guid

How to find my GUID ?

To find your GUID, it’s very easy. Start the game, go to the Profile menu, and you will see your GUID like on the attached screenshot. Since beta 16 you can press CTRL+C on this page to automatically copy your GUID. Since beta 17, you can click the [+] button next to your GUID to
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The license system

A license system exists in our Racing system. You may see some references to licenses on MyMXB but it’s not in use actually. More info later on this topic.
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